The Miracle of Ceramics and Composites – Materials that Mimic Nature
When a tooth shows signs of decay, a cavity often forms. In this case, we place a filling to strengthen the tooth and increase the life of the tooth. Taking the proper steps at the first sign of decay strengthens the teeth and enables them to last a lifetime.
The Story of the Little Filling
Consider the story of the little filling. A tooth has a small filling which grows into a larger filling over time. If the filling has not been properly performed, that larger filling becomes a crown which then leads to a root canal.
Ultimately, the tooth cracks and needs an implant.
This all could have been avoided had the original filling been completed correctly the first time. This is our specialty: getting things right the first time for the longevity of your teeth.
The “right way” of dentistry is not the filling that the insurance company wants to pay for (the silver-mercury filling). Silver-mercury fillings, also referred to as amalgram fillings, can be harmful to a person’s health.
Over time, those fillings wear down and can crack teeth. This method involves outdated technology that should not be used today, but it still approved by some insurance carriers because it’s a lower cost to them.
Related: Where dental insurance falls short
These fillings are made half out of mercury, which can leach and get into the bloodstream.
What are the Alternatives to Silver-Mercury Fillings?
The best dental work involves using materials that most closely resemble the actual tooth itself: composites and ceramics.
By using matter that works best within the existing tooth, we preserve the life and health of the tooth as well as positively impacting your long-term health. Best of all? They look natural – so you get to smile your best.
Other options include:
- Gold. Quite durable, but also not anything resembling your teeth.
- Glass ionomer fillings. Often used with younger patients or for very minor issues.
Overall, we recommend ceramic and/or composite fillings.
The Benefits of Ceramics and Composites
Aside from the aesthetic appeal and natural appearance of composite and ceramic dentistry, multiple benefits make these materials the best for dental work. First, ceramic and composite fillings are less sensitive to heat and cold. Second, they are biocompatible, which means they can coexist with natural materials in the body without causing harmful effects.
It’s important to note, not all dentists are skilled in ceramic fillings. The dentist must match the filling exactly to the patient’s tooth for a flawless appearance and a perfect fit. The skill involved with fitting these fillings allows for the tooth to remain healthy for years to come.
Composite fillings are ideal for small to medium cavities. They fit perfectly and bond into the tooth, preventing further decay while maintaining a completely natural feel and appearance. Additionally, they don’t require as much drilling as other types of fillings, and they provide for an overall stronger tooth once completed.
In summary, the health of the mouth and teeth directly impacts the overall health of the body. It’s important to give your teeth the best possible care, which is exactly why Dr. Hagen practices longevity dentistry: dentistry for your first 100 years. Dr. Hagen wants to get your mouth in the best shape possible and stay ahead of the game when it comes to your health.
To learn more about the benefits of ceramics and composites, contact us today. We would love to help get your teeth in the best shape for your life!